About OncoDNA
OncoDNA is a cancer theranostic company that uses a combination of the most relevant molecular technologies to support Oncologists in their treatment decisions for patients with solid tumour cancers.
What types of analyses do OncoDNA perform?
OncoDNA performs analyses using either a solid biopsy, liquid biopsy or a combination of both a solid and liquid biopsy.
Our first solution combining DNA, RNA and protein analyses of a tissue biopsy.
A complete solution integrating the analysis of solid and liquid biopsies.
Next-generation sequencing of smart panels with selected key genes per tumor type from a blood sample.
The first personalized liquid biopsy in the market.
What types of treatments may be included in an OncoDNA report?
In addition to traditional chemotherapies, an OncoDNA analysis can provide valuable information for your Oncologist regarding the suitability of the following:
Targeted Therapies
act on cells that spread or cause a cancer’s growth, effectively neutralising the tumour
Hormone Therapies
slow down or stop the growth of some cancers
is the most promising treatment in oncology nowadays, is a way of stimulating a patient’s own immune system to destroy their cancer cells.
How long will the results take*?
OncoDEEP: 10 business days
OncoSTRAT&GO**: 10 business days
OncoSELECT: 10 business days
OncoFOLLOW**: 10 business day
*The times listed above do not include the time required to obtain the biopsy from local pathology nor the shipment of the biopsy to OncoDNA.
**OncoSTRAT&GO BRCA and OncoFOLLOW Personalised TAT is 15 business days.
For more information
Genostics Australia is the distributor for OncoDNA in Australia and New Zealand.
For more information including a patient brochure, request form, or to find out how to order a test, please call Genostics on +61 1300 282 482 or submit an online enquiry here.